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12 Lessons in 12 Months

Today marks my 1 year anniversary of moving to London. The day that I packed up my most valuable belongings (A.K.A my teddy) and moved to the big city to start my University career. The move was exciting, daring, and terrifying all at the same time. But 12 months on from my move what have I really learnt from going to University in London?

  1. London is not that scary- Everyone hears the crime horror stories that London offers and believes it’s a city that nobody is safe in. It’s true. London is a big city with a lot of crime, but that shouldn’t stop you from moving there. I’ve learnt to avoid certain areas, avoid going out alone at night, and generally to keep my wits about me. Do all of that and you will be fine.

  2. London is smaller than you think- Obviously I don’t mean geographically but mentally. London is seen as this huge city that you aspire to move to and create a career in but is also terrifying and huge. I felt exactly the same way. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I got lost, and still do, wondering around London. Google maps has fast become my best friend and areas that I frequently visit have become like home.

  3. Your mind will be opened- In London culture is everywhere. I’ve never considered myself a close minded individual, however when I came to London I was exposed to a whole new lifestyle. There are millions of people with millions of thoughts completely different to mine and one another’s. I’ve been exposed to a whole new accepting way of thinking where everyone can have their opinion and speak it.

  4. Drinking just got a whole lot more expensive- Never has pre-drinking become more important. Yes London has some of the best clubs in the UK, but they come at a cost, and that cost is your student loan. To avoid going into debt (or more debt than I already am) spirits have to be drunk before transport is taken and a bottle of wine bought for the journey because no sane person can afford club drink prices.

  5. Money is easy to spend but hard to find- Spending money in London is easy. Not only is everything more expensive, including the essential food shop, but there are so many more choices than I have ever had to deal with. But spending money is only doable if said money is also made which is harder than it sounds.

  6. Finding a job is hard- I always knew I would need to find a job when I moved to London; but I never thought it would be so hard! London is a city with 12 different restaurants all on one street and hundreds of shops within 3 foot of one another. Yet there are also thousands of people in the same position as me- trying to find jobs so they can pay the rent whilst maintain an unhealthy shopping habit. The competition for jobs is high so you’re CV better be outstanding if you want to get anything.

  7. Making friends is easy- A big issue I had with going to uni was wondering if I would make friends. But this city is huge and like-minded people are everywhere. I’ve made friends with people from all walks of life being at uni and it’s made me a better person. Friends are easy to make, just make sure you keep them.

  8. London transport will get you ANYWHERE- If you ever find yourself somewhere unfamiliar in London there will be some form of transport within a mile that will get you back to familiar territory. Be it a bus or a tube there will always be something for you to travel on to get you home. Just make sure you travel in the right direction and you will be fine.

  9. Not everyone will agree with you- One of the hardest things I have learnt at university is that not everyone shares the same opinions as me. I find it very hard to get along with people who don’t have the same views as me and become very defensive whenever my opinions are challenged. But since coming to uni I’ve learnt to listen to opposing thoughts first before fighting back with my own. I may think my opinion is right, but not everyone else does.

  10. Being away from home is hard- I always knew I would miss my family but I didn’t realise how much. I thought I would be able to get away with a weekly phone call if I had time, to catch up and let them know I was still alive, but I was wrong. I miss my family every day and contact them at least three times a week. Moving away from them was hard but it has made me a more independent person.

  11. You will learn who your friend’s are- When you live in the same town for 18 years you think you have met your friends for life. But moving to uni will show you who is really there for you. You may not message every day, but there will be friends that will make the effort and those who don’t. University is great for sussing out the fakers in your friendship group.

  12. You’re Instagram will improve- But the most important thing I have learnt is how much my Instagram is worth. There are so many things in London worth instagramming. From coffee shops selling only organic coffee, to legendary monuments, every moment has been captured, edited, and posted online. My likes have rocketed, and my Instagram theme has never looked so strong.

So there’s what I’ve learnt from being in London for a year. Here’s to many more.

What have you learnt from being at university or living in a city? Comment below and tell me all about it.

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